Safenet Sentinel Emulator, Clone, Duplicate, Backup, Clone,
Safenet Sentinel Dongle Emulator
Safenet Sentinel Emulator Products
Sentinel SuperPro
Sentinel UltraPro
Sentinel Hardware Key SHK
SuperPro LPT
SuperPro Mini LPT
Dual Hardware KEY DHK
Product Details
- Vendor: 0x4B9 Product: 0x300 Device: 0x2
- Vendor: 0x4B9 Product: 0x300 Device: 0x4
- Vendor: 0x4B9 Product: 0x300 Device: 0x200
LPT & USB Dongle Multi platform dongle AES tunnelling for call to dongle 32 to 256 cells Read / Write Memory.
Sentinel SuperPro Mini LPT, Sentinel SuperPro LPT, Sentinel C-Plus, Sentinel SuperPro, Sentinel Hardware Key, Sentinel Dual Hardware Key, Sentinel UltraPro Sentinel IKey
Compatible Safenet Sentinel Emulator :
- Windows XP
- Windows 2000
- Windows 7 x86 x64 bit
- Windows Vista x86 x64 bit
- Windows 8 x86 x64 bit
- Windows Vista x86 – x64 Bit
- Windows 10 x86 – x64 Bit
- Windows Server 2000
- Windows Server 2003
- Windows Server 2008
- Windows Server 2012
- Windows Server 2016
- Windows Server 2019
Safenet Sentinel Emulator Functions:
- Our sentinel emulators are fully digitally signed, so they can be easily installed on 64-bit systems without test mode.
- Hardware Clone / Duplicate is Possible.
- It is compatible with the latest version drivers.
- We can try to repair your broken dongle.
- If your Dongle has Time Restriction, we can remove it.
- We can add features that are not defined in your Dongle.
- Our emulators work on virtual pc. In this way, you can install it on your remote server.
What I Need for Safenet Sentinel Emulator ?
- Software Install Package. ( you can upload or )
- Dongle Dump File
- Send me link and dump file with e-mail
Safenet Sentinel Emulator
How Make Sentinel Dongle Dump
Download Dumper
- Unpack and run vipsro.exe
- Make sure your sentinel dongle is plugged in.
- This process will be completed in 10 to 20 minutes. During this time, please wait.
- When it is over, spro_RNBO_SPN_DRIVER.dmp file will be created in the unpacked folder.

Please don’t use this Sentinel Dumper tool for Sentinel Hardware KEY ( SHK) dongle, because you can’t make dump. For this we need software install package then will send you a special Logger & Dumper.
This Dumper is just for Sentinel SuperPro & UltraPro
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